Dark Souls 2 (II, Dark Souls 2 - Scholar of the First Sin)

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Dark Souls 2 (II, Dark Souls 2 - Scholar of the First Sin)
Dark Souls 2 (II, Dark Souls 2 - Scholar of the First Sin)
FRA, FRA (Scholar ...), UK, UK (Scholar ...), DEU, DEU (Scholar ...), ???, USA, USA (Black Armor), USA (Collector), USA (Scholar ...), AUS, AUS (Black Armor), AUS (Collector), AUS (Scholar ...), JAP, JAP (Collector), JAP (Scholar ...), ASI (En+Ch)

Référence : NPUB-31358, NPEJ-00281, BLJM-61113, FSCE-00002

Copyright : From Software, Namco Bandai

Première parution : 11 mars 2014
FRA (Scholar ...)
FRA (Scholar ...)
USA (Black Armor)
USA (Black Armor)
JAP (Scholar ...)
JAP (Scholar ...)
ASI (En+Ch)
ASI (En+Ch)
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