Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4 (IV) - Wall of Fire (San...)

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4 (IV) - Wall of Fire (San...)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4 (IV) - Wall of Fire (San...)
USA, USA (Long Box), JAP, JAP (PS1 the Best), JAP (Koei Teiban), JAP (Power Up)

Référence : SLPS-00114, SLUS-00195, SLPS-91052, SLPM-87179

Copyright : Koei/Inis, Koei

Première parution : 29 septembre 1995
USA (Long Box)
USA (Long Box)
JAP (PS1 the Best)
JAP (PS1 the Best)
JAP (Koei Teiban)
JAP (Koei Teiban)
JAP (Power Up)
JAP (Power Up)
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